OrangeHRM has given a wider option for the organizations to select their Health Saving Plans out of the 6 options been specified. These can be listed as HSA, HRA, FSA, HSA+HRA, HSA+FSA, HRA+FSA. All these options are based on the level of contribution by the employee and the employer.
· Employee HSP Summary
This lists out all the records of a particular employee with regards to his HSP. This lists out the annual limit, the employer and the employee contributions, the accrued amount and the current status of the HSP.
· HSP Payments Due
This is the place where the HR admin can go and check the due HSP payments due for the employees.
· HSP Expenditure
This displays all the used HSP payments as well as the due HSP payments of a particular employee.This list provides a clear idea of the current status of the overall HSP system in the organization
· HSP Request
This provides a request form for the employees to apply for the HSP in a particular year. Certain fields in this form are set inactive in the case of the ESS users and being made active for the HR admin only,when approving the HSP requests.
The latest version of OrangeHRM is available free of charge under GNU GPL open source license. The immediate download as well as the demo version of the application can be found on www.orangehrm.com.
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